Press Releases

Senator Todd Kaminsky supports Clare Rose workers

Long Island Senator Kaminsky Sides with Clare Rose Workers

“I stand fully behind the striking workers at Clare Rose.”

New York State Senator Todd Kaminsky had the following statement on the ongoing strike at Anheuser-Busch distributor Clare Rose. Workers have been on strike for nearly two months against wage cuts and the loss of their pension.

“The time is long past due for Clare Rose to return to the bargaining table. Long Island has supported Clare Rose for decades, loyally buying its products and subsidizing its business with millions in public money. Clare Rose should recognize that, respect our local workers, and provide the good jobs the company was once known for.

“The strike and boycott have disrupted local businesses and Teamsters Local 812 has made it clear that they want to continue negotiations on a new contract, indeed they never wanted to stop negotiations.

“I stand fully behind the striking workers at Clare Rose.”