Press Releases

allstate power vac rally

New York Waste Workers Vote Overwhelmingly In Favor of Union Representation

NEW YORK, NY – On Monday, November 9, employees at Allstate Power Vac, Inc. in New York City voted by an overwhelming margin of nearly 98 percent to join Teamsters Local 813 in an election supervised by the National Labor Relations Board. The 61 environmental waste removal workers are looking forward to improving their working conditions, including gaining fairness and respect from their employer.

“Today we can proudly say that we are Teamsters. We have not gotten the pay, benefits, or respect that we deserve, but that ends now,” said Ernesto Basilio, an Allstate Power Vac employee who helped lead the organizing effort. “Now that we have won our Teamster representation we are going to win the fair contract that our families need.”

According to Local 813 President Sean Campbell, the new members were determined and worked hard to gain Teamster representation.

“They did a great job,” Campbell said. “Thanks to the workers, our local, Joint Council 16 and the International Union coming together, the Teamsters will continue raising standards throughout the entire waste industry.”

The win marks the eighth organizing victory for the Teamsters Solid Waste, Recycling and Related Industries Division since August.

“Teamsters have the focus, strength and experience to improve pay, benefits, working conditions and labor-management relations at Allstate Power Vac,” said Ron Herrera, Director of the Teamsters Solid Waste, Recycling and Related Industries Division. “We welcome this latest addition of hardworking professionals to our division and look forward to getting to work on their new contract.”

Teamsters Joint Council 16 represents more than 120,000 working men and women in New York City.

Contact: Alex Moore, Teamsters Joint Council 16
(718) 289-0204,