Press Releases

Teamsters Endorse Keith Wright for Congress

NEW YORK, NY – The city’s politically powerful Teamsters union endorsed Assemblyman Keith Wright today for United States Congress. Teamsters Joint Council 16 represents 120,000 workers across Downstate New York. The Teamsters join a substantial and growing group of leaders and organizations backing the candidate, citing Wright’s experience, capability and an unwavering commitment to the people of upper Manhattan and the Bronx.

“Keith will head to Washington with an unmatched record of fighting on behalf of New York’s working families and getting results,” said George Miranda, President of Teamsters Joint Council 16. “In his over 20 years in the State Assembly, the Teamsters have had a tremendous ally in Keith Wright. He understands the value of the American worker and demands fair pay and safe conditions for all New Yorkers. He is the right person for the job and the Teamsters will be there to get out the vote and deliver Keith Wright to Congress.”

As Assembly Labor Chairman, Wright increased the state’s minimum wage for the first time in over a decade. He’s also responsible for New York State’s increase in unemployment benefits, helping families stay in their homes and put food on the table during the country’s worst recession since the Great Depression.

“Having the support of the Teamsters reassures to me that the work I do each day in the community to get people into good jobs, that the wars I wage in Albany while demanding funding for programs that help get our residents back on their feet, are right for New Yorkers. The Teamsters represent a diverse coalition of workers that is a true reflection of today’s New York. I’m elated to have their endorsement and look forward to continuing our collective fight in this new chapter” said Wright.