LOCAL 1205

246 Conklin Street
Farmingdale, New York 11735


Teamsters Local 1205 represents employees working in many building material industries—lumber, brick, cement, sheet metal, roofing, windows and doors—throughout the New York metropolitan area. It represents, too, many School Bus industry employees—Drivers, Mechanics, Dispatchers, Driver Assistants—on Long Island. Also, the college administrative staff, including librarians, at the 8 campuses of Manhattan’s New School University are members of Teamsters Local 1205. The Local is very proud that its organizing has raised standards and built power for those working in the diverse industries it represents.


Nelson Nunez, President
Gary Kumpa, Vice President
Lori Rizzitano, Recording Secretary
Robert Christian, Trustee
Andrew Gallo, Trustee
Brett Tutmill, Trustee