Policy & Politics

The Teamsters build political power for working people and fight for government policy that raises standards and protects workers’ rights to organize.

Teamsters Joint Council 16 endorses candidates for elected office and mobilizes our members to get them elected. Want to get involved? Volunteer here.

See below for Joint Council 16 policy statements that outline our position on major legislation and policy proposals affecting working people.

Union Jobs for New Yorkers in the Legal Cannabis Industry

A legal, strongly-regulated, and unionized cannabis industry will be a step forward for New York. Our communities of color have been criminalized through drug enforcement for decades. Workers from these communities should be the first to benefit from Read More >>

Memorandum in Opposition – Treating newspaper delivery drivers as independent contractors – A7753/S4975

Teamsters Joint Council 16 and its 120,000 members in and around New York City strongly stand in opposition to A7753/S4975 which would set back and provide exemptions for companies treating newspaper delivery drivers as independent Read More >>

Memorandum in Support – NYC Horse Carriage Industry (A7928)

Teamsters Joint Council 16 and its 120,000 members in and around New York City, including 300 horse carriage drivers, support the bill recently introduced by Assembly Member Pretlow (A7928) which would place the operation of Read More >>

Memorandum in Support – Certain contracts regarding bus drivers and assistants (A2781/S3474)

The Teamsters Joint Council 16, representing approximately 120,000 hardworking men and women in New York State, strongly and unequivocally supports ‘An act to amend the education law, in relation to certain contracts regarding bus drivers Read More >>