Policy & Politics

Memorandum in Support – NYC Horse Carriage Industry (A7928)

Teamsters Joint Council 16 and its 120,000 members in and around New York City, including 300 horse carriage drivers, support the bill recently introduced by Assembly Member Pretlow (A7928) which would place the operation of this industry in the hands of the state, as well as add additional regulation to the licensing process undergone by all carriage drivers.

The carriage horse industry continues to serve a key role in New York City’s leisure and tourism industry, creating more than 300 jobs and millions of dollars in economic activity. These New Yorkers – the drivers, the veterinarians, the caretakers – and their families rely on horses and the horse carriage industry for their livelihood.

New York City’s horse carriage industry provides hundreds of good, middle-class jobs and is a key feature of New York’s booming tourism industry. The carriage drivers treat their horses well and City regulations provide ample protections for the horses. A7928 will ensure the continued operation of horse drawn carriages as mandated by the State of New York, and preserve the future well-being of hundreds of business stakeholders, and the horses themselves. Please help us protect this vital and historic industry.