General News

Teamsters support Eber Garcia Vasquez

Call ICE: Release Teamster Eber Garcia Vasquez

Eber Garcia Vasquez has been a member of Teamsters Local 813 for 26 years. A private sanitation worker at Stericycle in New York, Eber built a life here with his wife and four children. He is a Teamster through and through. Now he is in an immigration detention cell and could be deported to Guatemala, where he fears for his life.

Please help our union brother Eber by calling ICE and demanding that Eber be released. Script below.

Eber came to U.S. in the 1980s, fleeing violence in his homeland. Several of his family members in Guatemala, including his mother, have been killed. His wife and several children are U.S. citizens and that gives Eber a path to a Green Card, but ICE is trying to deport him before he can complete that process.

Eber’s wife and four children depend on his union job. His wife was in a car crash earlier this year and is now in a wheelchair. If Eber is deported, it is going to wreak havoc on their lives.

You can help. Please join us as we ask ICE to use their discretion to release him and help keep Eber’s family together.

Please CALL Hakeem Folajaiye, ICE Officer, at (212) 863-3452 AND Jacob Antoninis, ICE Assistant Field Office Director, at (212) 863-3437.

You can say something like:
“Eber Garcia Vasquez has been a Teamster member in New York for nearly 30 years and he shouldn’t be separated from his family. He is not being targeted for any criminal history. I’m asking ICE to use discretion and not deport him. His A number is 073-538-113.” (If you get a message saying the voicemail is full, please keep trying until you can successfully leave a message.)