Teamsters Hispanic Caucus Statement on Killing of George Floyd
“It is our duty as working people and union members to fight institutional racism head-on.”
George Miranda, President of the Teamsters National Hispanic Caucus and President of Teamsters Joint Council 16, made the following statement on the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN.
“The Teamsters National Hispanic Caucus stands in solidarity with the family of George Floyd, our brothers and sisters in Minnesota, the Teamsters National Black Caucus, and people across the country in condemning the murder of George Floyd. Justice must be served and the police officers responsible for his death must be held accountable.
“But this problem stretches far beyond one group of officers. Black and Brown communities each face daily encounters with the police, and know the fear that any arrest or stop could turn deadly. We also have done the country’s most dangerous jobs, before and during the pandemic, while facing wage theft and union busting.
“It is our duty as working people and union members to fight institutional racism head-on, in our workplaces and in our neighborhoods, in urban communities and rural towns, along the border and in the heartland.
“It was just four years ago that we lost Minnesota Teamsters Local 320 member Philando Castile at the hands of police. There is no separation between the issues our members face at work and the racism that permeates our society. The labor movement must be part of the fight to dismantle racism, for our members and for all workers.
“The twin evils of police violence and government negligence in the face of a global pandemic are falling predominantly on Black and Brown communities. We must unite, workers of all races, to demand justice for all.”